Month: April 2010

Q&A: Do You Really Have Amazing Relationships?

Q: hey Jay, I have seen some of your stuff, and it seems pretty interesting. I think that your ideas about relationships are good, but im hesitant to look for more advice from you because im not sure about you or why I should listen to anything you say.   I guess you have been…

Q&A: I Was Betrayed!

 Have you ever been betrayed by an ex? Hurts pretty bad doesn’t it?  The good news is, there’s a way to eliminate the pain of a betrayal and it doesn’t involve meds or years of therapy. If you’d like to learn what it is, then keep reading…  …

Q&A: Help! I’m Emotionally Vulnerable…

Q: “Hi Jay. I could really use some tools to help spotting the kinds of women who are genuinely interested in love, intimacy and friendship, as opposed to the ones who have a power-oriented or sadistic/masochistic attitude towards sex and intimacy. I’ve been involved with a few of the latter (one of whom turned out…