Tag: happiness

Happy Thanksgiving!

To me, the spirit of Thanksgiving goes way beyond “awesome! a day off from work!”   It’s a time of reflection… of looking at your life in a different way.   For at least one day out of 365, tell that little voice in your head that’s always whining about what you don’t have and…

Sharing A Little Happiness

I’m not a fan of coca-cola (or soda in general) by any means, but this is brilliant advertising. How can you link extreme excitement to your own product or service?    

Best Christmas Present Ever

If you follow me on twitter, you know that I’ve been raving about my incredibly talented friend Jessica and her beautiful voice. She gave me the best Christmas present I’ve ever received and I wanted to share it with you guys….

If You Want To Be Good At Life, Make Peace With Death

I had an interesting coaching session the other day that I’d like to tell you about. My client (we’ll call him Steve) is a marine who returned home from Iraq earlier in the year. While overseas, one of his best friends became paralyzed from a stray bullet. Unable to deal with the emotional pain, he…

Falling In Love Can Be Hazardous To Your Health

About a week back, I put up a tweet on twitter that got everyone all riled up. I’ll admit that it was a bit controversial, even for me. It read:   “The more frustrated men I work with, the more I believe that falling in love is the biggest mistake a man can make in…

It’s Not Me… They’re All Crazy!!!

Let’s face it. Women are completely insane… at least from a man’s point of view. What guy wouldn’t agree that it’s easier to solve a Rubik’s cube in the midst of an acid trip than to decipher even a single sentence’s worth of undertones coming from the mouth of a female?…

Facebook Manners

Everyone could use a lesson in Facebook etiquette.   (If you like this video, please join my mailing list by entering your name and email address into the form on the right.  You’ll be notified by email when new articles and videos are published and will also receive my free report “Push The Button” as a gift.)  …

The Vaynerchuk Experience

Whether you happen to be dating someone new or you’ve been with the same girl for years, it’s a good idea to break away from doing the same old boring “date stuff” and occasionally introduce something new and exciting into the mix.  To help get your creative juices flowing, this dating coach is gonna share with you…

Dan Gilbert on Happiness

In this video, Harvard Psychologist Dan Gilbert challenges the idea that we’ll be miserable if we don’t get what we want.  He proposes that our “psychological immune system” lets us feel truly happy even when things fail to work out the way we hoped they would.  Interesting stuff.   P.S. If you like this video,…