Author: Jay Cataldo

Dating Coach Gets Dumped On Valentine’s Day

If you were following my rants and raves last year around this time, then you’re well aware of how much I dislike the pseudo-holiday known as Valentine’s Day. Sure, I could go on and on and rehash my gripes but my perspective hasn’t changed one bit since last year. What HAS changed, however, is the…

How To Plan A New Year’s Win

A couple of weeks ago I posted my top New Year’s Resolution strategies and urged all of you to start putting them into action. Some of you went ahead and sent in your plans for 2011 and I wanted to thank you for sharing. You guys think real big… I love it. My awesome friend Jessica did a…

New Year’s Win or New Year’s Fail?

2011 is almost here and it’s time for yet another round of New Year’s resolutions.  The question is… will you be one of the few people who actually sticks to their plan and makes a positive, permanent change or will your efforts fall into the fail pile along with millions of others? If you’re serious…

Happy Holidays!

I recently fell in love with egg nog made with raw milk and I’m guzzling it by the gallon today. Luckily, Uncle Tony hasn’t spiked it yet or I’d be typing this from the ER. 🙂 All kidding aside, I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for all the love and support you’ve shown me over…

How To Clean Your Fruits & Veggies

Hey guys… As I mentioned in a previous post, I was recently introduced to the Paleo Diet and since then, have been working hard on incorporating more vegetables into my daily meals. But I have to say…. veggies are friggen expensive – especially if you go organic (which I highly recommend). But if you choose…

A Hidden Cause Of High Blood Pressure

I’ve been saying for years that salt is NOT the enemy when it comes to high blood pressure. In fact, hypertension sufferers who drastically reduce the amount of salt in their diets are increasing their risk of serious health problems….

Team Magnificent’s Super Smoothie

Lately, I’ve been getting lots of questions about my diet and lifestyle. Some of you know that I had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma when I was 19 and this led me to become extremely health conscious. Believe me… after battling cancer once, you never want it to come back….

“Sexual Radiance” Is Finally Here!

Hey there… yes, I know I disappeared for a while but I’ve been working VERY hard on my latest product. The good news is that it’s finally finished which means it’s time to unleash it on the world.   To make things easy, I went ahead and put together a video presentation which explains everything you’ll need to know. If you…

Q&A: Do You Really Have Amazing Relationships?

Q: hey Jay, I have seen some of your stuff, and it seems pretty interesting. I think that your ideas about relationships are good, but im hesitant to look for more advice from you because im not sure about you or why I should listen to anything you say.   I guess you have been…

Q&A: I Was Betrayed!

 Have you ever been betrayed by an ex? Hurts pretty bad doesn’t it?  The good news is, there’s a way to eliminate the pain of a betrayal and it doesn’t involve meds or years of therapy. If you’d like to learn what it is, then keep reading…  …

Q&A: Help! I’m Emotionally Vulnerable…

Q: “Hi Jay. I could really use some tools to help spotting the kinds of women who are genuinely interested in love, intimacy and friendship, as opposed to the ones who have a power-oriented or sadistic/masochistic attitude towards sex and intimacy. I’ve been involved with a few of the latter (one of whom turned out…

500 Words Of Brilliance asked me to share my 17 best success tips with their readers (special thanks to my friend Sarah Ezekiel for hooking it up).   Check out the article here: 500 Words Of Brilliance

CL!CK: A LEGO Short Film

Free Your Sparkle

The Original Spiderman

Will Smith On Life

Some motivational words from Will Smith.   

Sharing A Little Happiness

I’m not a fan of coca-cola (or soda in general) by any means, but this is brilliant advertising. How can you link extreme excitement to your own product or service?    

Jonah Rocks – 5 Year Old Drummer

This kid is kicking some serious ass at just 5 years old. Absolutely amazing.  

NYC Dating Magic Part 2

(If you haven’t read Part 1 yet, please read it first before continuing: NYC Dating Magic Part 1)   Here’s the breakdown of our 3 day adventure (a huge thanks to my good friend Plato for helping me concoct the itinerary):  …

NYC Dating Magic Part 1

Today, I’d like to answer a question I’m frequently asked by my male clients.   “Ok, Jay, She finally said yes. So what do I do now?”   Aka: “It took me three months to convince her to go out with me but I have no clue where I should take her. What do you…

Climbing Can Be Dangerous

Never Ending Rooster


Who Else Hates Valentine’s Day?

Valentine’s Day is almost here and in case you’re not aware, I have some serious beef with this pseudo-holiday. In fact, I’m on a mission this year to destroy it once and for all.  …

Best Christmas Present Ever

If you follow me on twitter, you know that I’ve been raving about my incredibly talented friend Jessica and her beautiful voice. She gave me the best Christmas present I’ve ever received and I wanted to share it with you guys….

If You Want To Be Good At Life, Make Peace With Death

I had an interesting coaching session the other day that I’d like to tell you about. My client (we’ll call him Steve) is a marine who returned home from Iraq earlier in the year. While overseas, one of his best friends became paralyzed from a stray bullet. Unable to deal with the emotional pain, he…